Other links will be added soon.

The York branch of Age UK:                 http://www.ageuk.org.uk/york/ 

    and details of their day clubs                   http://www.ageuk.org.uk/york/Our-services/Day-clubs/


Riccall Carers:                                        http://www.riccallcarers.co.uk/

    Riccall House Care Home                         http://www.riccallhouse.co.uk/  

    Galtres Care Home, Strensall                        http://www.galtrescarehome.co.uk/

    Westwood Care Home, Selby                       http://www.westwoodcarehome.co.uk/

    Abbey Lea Care Home, Barlby                     http://www.abbeylea.co.uk/

York Stroke Club                                      http://www.stroke.org.uk

The Alzheimer's Society                           http://alzheimers.org.uk/

Tpfimaging (Tony Flanagan)                      http://www.tpfimaging.co.uk/

Jill Ford                                                    .http://www.jillford.com/


Engaging, interactive and stimulating, these sessions get people laughing, talking, singing and moving.







Jo Sparks Music Activity Sessions for Care Homes, Day Centres, Nursing Homes and Social Groups in York, Selby, Pocklington, Goole and surrounding villages 

"You make such a difference to the quality of life of all our residents. Thank you."   

"She brings them alive and really gets them going."

"They all joined in, began chatting and it brought smiles to their faces." 

"It made me feel young again." 

"That was great fun. When are you coming here again?" 


    What I do 


 Photo Gallery



 Contact me 


During the past four years I have worked at over 30 of the best and most caring nursing and residential homes in the York area and also at some really brilliant day centres and social groups.

Below I show links to a few of these and to other individuals and organisations that have helped me along the way. 

I am particularly proud of my association with the charity Age UK. The York-based team are so enthusiastic and friendly, running several fantastic social groups with loads of activities. I have also been privileged to work at York Stroke club which provides support for those affected by Strokes. Riccall Carers have also been hugely supportive.

Links are also shown to Tony Flanagan of tpfimaging in York who is an awesome photographer and took most of the photos on this web-site and to Jill Ford who makes creative ceramics in our village and has helped by supplying clay and then firing pots made by some of my arts and crafts groups.