Engaging, interactive and stimulating, these sessions get people laughing, talking, singing and moving.
















Jo Sparks Music Activity Sessions for Care Homes, Day Centres, Nursing Homes and Social Groups in York and surrounding areas

     Proven Benefits

  • Promotion of wellbeing
  • A means of expression for those with communication difficulties
  • Connection with other group members - reducing isolation
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Fun and stimulation
  • Physical exercise
  • Participation is active, not passive, providing opportunities to express individuality


You are cordially invited to an hour of musical entertainment, fun and gentle exercise with



Jo Sparks


   Date:       Every Tuesday

   Time:       2.30 pm

   Place:      Main Lounge


Come and join the fun



   What I do  


Photo Gallery



 Contact me 


All of the photographs on this web-site were taken with the kind permission of staff, volunteers, residents and attendees at Care Homes and Age UK social groups in the York area. I am very grateful to them for consenting to these images being used on this web-site and other publicity material.

Tony Flanagan of tpfimaging in York, who is a brilliant photographer, took many of the music activity pictures.

The images are under copyright and may not be downloaded and used for any business or commercial purposes whatsoever.

More photos are shown below: